About this dashboard
Welcome to the immunization data dashboard. This page provides immunization coverage data for many age groups and vaccines throughout Utah. The data found here may help evaluate coverage across different health jurisdictions, identify gaps in services, and plan immunization campaigns.
Most of the tables, charts, and maps in this report are interactive. Click on column headings to sort tables. Use the mouse cursor to sort, zoom, and select maps and charts. Data shows up when you hover above it or click the mouse cursor. Controls show up at the top right corner of charts when you put the mouse cursor on the chart.
Dashboard organization
Tabs across the top of this page lead to subpages grouped by age groups, starting with young children. Data on school vaccine exemptions and vaccine-preventable diseases are also included. You can also find links to past reports and reports on specific immunizations topics in the ‘Resources and other reports’ tab.
Data sources and a note about comparison
The dashboard presents data obtained from 4 primary sources: the National Immunization Survey (NIS), the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS), and an online survey administered through the research electronic data capture (REDcap) system for tracking immunization and exemption rates in Utah schools. Use caution when you consider comparisons because of the differences in the collection methodologies, age groupings, and limitations of these data sources.
Early childhood immunizations
Early childhood is a critical time for development and to establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Babies are most vulnerable to diseases because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. Babies begin to receive vaccines at the earliest opportunity so they will not become ill, or worse, die from vaccine-preventable diseases. It is very important to immunize your child on time, every time.
The Utah Immunization Program works to reach and maintain high immunization rates to keep children and our community protected from these diseases.
Note: it may take up to 20 seconds for the information to load the first time. View National Immunization Survey (NIS) data visualizations here and Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS) data visualizations here.
Data from the National Immunization Survey (NIS)
The National Immunization Survey-Child (NIS-Child) was launched in 1994. The target population for the NIS-Child survey is children who are or will be 19-35 months within a few weeks of being picked to take part in the survey and who live in the U.S. The NIS-Child is a random, digit-dialed survey of parents or guardians and includes data for more than 15,000 children annually. The telephone survey is followed by a questionnaire that is mailed to vaccination providers to get the child's immunization history. Data are used to monitor vaccination coverage among 2-year-old children at the national, state, selected local levels, and some U.S. territories. NIS-Child measures were previously reported as an estimate of vaccine coverage for children ages 19-35 months in each survey year. Beginning with data reported in 2020 for survey years 2017-2019, NIS-Child data is now reported for children ages 24 months by birth year (e.g., 24-month-old children born in 2019 had data collected in the 2021 survey year). Due to this change, NIS-Child data reported here can't be directly compared to similar data in previous Immunization coverage reports produced by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
For Utah children ages 35 months from birth year 2021:
Region 8: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY
Source: National Immunization Survey
Data from the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)
Utah’s immunization registry is called USIIS and it is an important source of immunization information coverage data at the geographic level of the local health district or below. USIIS receives vaccine administration reports from healthcare providers, including public clinics, private clinics and practices, hospitals, and pharmacies. Childhood vaccine coverage estimates include approximately 90% of Utah children 18 years of age and younger who have at least 2 immunizations recorded. Participation in USIIS is voluntary; not all immunization providers participate. However, participation is required for all providers that participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. The VFC program offers vaccines at no cost for eligible children through VFC-enrolled healthcare providers. Although USIIS data provides helpful vaccination estimates, it is not a comprehensive archive of all vaccinations in the state and should be interpreted with caution. USIIS coverage estimates are not directly comparable to estimates produced by other immunization data sources (e.g. NIS-Child or BRFSS).
Map of Utah children who have completed the combined 7 series* and are
considered up to date on required childhood vaccines, age 24 to 35 months, 2024
For more information on reccomended childhood vaccines:
click here!
*Combined 7 vaccine series (4:3:1:3:3:1:4) or more doses of DTaP, 3 or more doses of Polio, 1 or more doses of MMR, Hib full series (3 or 4 doses, depending on product type received), 3 or more doses of HepB, 1 or more doses of Varicella, and 4 or more doses of PCV
Teen immunizations
This page contains estimates of vaccine coverage from the National Immunization Survey (NIS) for teens and the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS).
Note: it may take up to 20 seconds for the information to load the first time. View NIS data visualizations here and USIIS data visualizations here.
Data from the National Immunization Survey (NIS)
Since 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published annual NIS vaccine coverage estimates for teens. This survey is similar to the early childhood NIS survey. Responses are collected via telephone through random-digit dialing to parents of children ages 13-17. Participants are asked about receiving meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY), MMR, hepatitis B, varicella, Tdap, and HPV vaccines. Immunization data is verified by the respondents' healthcare provider and immunization record.
In 2023, for teens ages 13-17:
* HPV up to date - Includes those with 3 or more doses, and those with 2 doses when the first HPV vaccine dose was initiated before age 15 years and there were at least 5 months minus 4 days between the first and the second dose.
One or more doses of HPV vaccine, by sex
Up to date* with HPV vaccines, by sex
One or more doses of Tdap, meningococcal or varicella vaccines
Data from the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)
Utah’s immunization registry is called USIIS and it is an important source of immunization information coverage data at the geographic level of the local health district or below. USIIS receives vaccine administration reports from healthcare providers, including public clinics, private clinics and practices, hospitals, and pharmacies. Childhood vaccine coverage estimates include approximately 90% of Utah children 18 years of age and younger who have at least 2 immunizations recorded. Participation in USIIS is voluntary; not all providers of immunizations participate. However, participation is required for all Vaccines for Children program providers. Although USIIS data provides helpful vaccination estimates, it is not a comprehensive archive of all vaccinations in the state and should be interpreted with caution. USIIS coverage estimates are not directly comparable to estimates produced by other immunization data sources (e.g. NIS or BRFSS).
Teen vaccines for HPV
Teen initial meningococcal, tdap and varicella vaccines
Meningococcal vaccines for older teens
Teen vaccines for 1 or more doses of HPV, by LHD, age 12-17, 2024
Teen vaccines for HPV vaccines up to date, by LHD, age 12-17, 2024
Adult immunizations
This page contains estimates of vaccine coverage for Utah adults from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) and the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS).
Immunizations aren't just for kids. All adults need immunizations to help protect them against serious diseases. In fact, some diseases are more dangerous for adults than for children and are more likely to cause brain damage, sterility, and other complications. The monetary and emotional costs to those individuals and their families can be staggering. Each year in the United States, more than 30,000 adults die from vaccine-preventable diseases or their complications. Even unimmunized adults who do not become seriously ill may still spread disease to others, often without ever knowing they are infected.
Note: it may take up to 20 seconds for the information to load the first time. View BRFSS data visualizations here and USIIS data visualizations here.
Data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS)
Pneumococcal vaccination rate by local health district for 2023 by age group
*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation > 30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health standards.
**The estimate has been suppressed because the relative standard error is greater than 50% or the relative standard error can't be determined.
Tetanus vaccination rate (in the last 10 years) by local health district for 2022 by age group
*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation > 30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health standards.
Shingles vaccination rate by local health district for 2023 by age group
*Use caution in interpreting; the estimate has a coefficient of variation > 30% and is therefore deemed unreliable by Utah Department of Health standards.
Data from the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)
Utah’s immunization registry is called USIIS and it is an important source of immunization information coverage data at the geographic level of the local health district. Participation in USIIS is voluntary; not all providers of immunizations participate. Although USIIS data provides helpful vaccination estimates, it is not a comprehensive archive of all vaccinations in the state and should be interpreted with caution. Recording of adult vaccine administrations in USIIS is less reliable than for younger populations. USIIS coverage estimates are not directly comparable to estimates produced by other immunization data sources (e.g. NIS or BRFSS).
The table below displays the percentage of adults with 1 or more of the selected vaccines recorded in USIIS divided by the total number of adults with any USIIS records who live in that LHD for that year (i.e. the denominator is drawn from the overall USIIS population).
Definitions of vaccine acronyms (e.g, Hib, HPV, etc.) can be found on the Resources and other reports tab of this dashboard.Percent of adults with 1 or more doses of the selected vaccine:
Influenza immunizations
Note: it may take up to 20 seconds for the information to load the first time. View BRFSS data visualizations here and USIIS data visualizations here.
Data from the National Immunization Survey (NIS) and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS)
Data on seasonal influenza coverage is collected by the NIS for children and the BRFSS for adults. This data is compiled by the CDC to display flu vaccine coverage across seasons and age groups.
Region 8: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY
Source: NIS data for children and BRFSS data for adults
Data from the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)
Utah’s immunization registry is called USIIS and it is an important source of immunization information coverage data at the geographic level of the local health district. Participation in USIIS is voluntary; not all providers of immunizations participate. Although USIIS data provides helpful vaccination estimates, it is not a comprehensive archive of all vaccinations in the state and should be interpreted with caution. Recording of adult vaccine administrations in USIIS is less reliable than for younger populations. USIIS coverage estimates are not directly comparable to estimates produced by other immunization data sources (e.g. NIS or BRFSS).
Childhood influenza vaccination coverage
Adult influenza vaccination coverage
Influenza vaccination coverage by LHD, aged 18 or younger, 2023
Influenza vaccination coverage by LHD, aged 19 & older, 2023
School vaccine exemptions
The Utah Department of Health and Human Services collaborates with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to collect immunization data each year on currently enrolled students from all public, private, and parochial schools as required by Utah Statutory Code 53G-9-305(2)(b). Each school is required to submit data regarding the immunization status of all children currently enrolled via an online reporting interface.
This page summarizes school immunization data by school types, exemption types, and enrollment status for Utah’s kindergarten and 7th grade students (use the filters to select) in the most recent school years. Schools with 15 or fewer students enrolled are not displayed here at the individual school level. Students who are conditionally or extended conditionally enrolled have received at least 1 dose of the required vaccine and have been allowed more time to complete the required vaccine series. At the end of the conditional enrollment period, a school principal or administrator may grant an additional extension of the conditional enrollment, if more time is medically required to complete needed vaccine doses or if they think an additional extension will likely lead to compliance with vaccine requirements.
More information about school vaccination topics can be found on the schools immunization webpage along with a comprehensive description of the Utah School Immunization Rule. School immunization reporting requirements are found in the Immunization guidebook.
Note: it may take up to 20 seconds for the information to load the first time. Scroll down to navigate through school vaccine exemption data visualizations.
Make your selection in this order: Grade -> City -> School. If you already made your selection then whenever you change your selection the filters will reset to select all schools within the new selections. (In other words, if you change the grade, the city selector will change to 'All cities' and the school selector will change to 'All schools').
Exemptions including online schools
Resources and other reports
Acronyms and abbreviations
- BRFSS—Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CI—Confidence interval
- DTaP—Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine
- Hep A—Hepatitis A vaccine
- Hep B—Hepatitis B vaccine
- Hib—Haemophilus influenza type B
- HPV—Human papillomavirus
- LHD—Local health district
- Combined series definitions:
- MenACWY—MenACWY vaccine
- MenB—Meningococcal B vaccine
- MMR—Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine
- NIS—National Immunization Survey
- PCV13—Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (13-valent)
- Tdap—Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine
- DHHS—Utah Department of Health and Human Services
- USIIS—Utah Statewide Immunization Information System
- UTD—Up to date
4:3:1:3:3:1:4 = 4 DTaP, 3 polio, 1 MMR, 3 Hib, 3 Hep B, 1 varicella, 4 PCV
Additional reports
The current annual immunization coverage report, as well as past year’s reports, can be found on this webpage. You can also find topical reports on long-term care facilities, quality improvement activities, and the Vaccines for Children program on this page.
Data about cases of vaccine preventable disease can be found on Utah’s vaccine-preventable and invasive bacterial diseases dashboard here.
Further data request
If the data on this dashboard doesn't meet your needs, you may submit a data request to the immunization program staff via this form.
This form is to request population-based immunization data and does not access personal immunization records. Visit the following webpage for more information on how to access personal immunization records: https://immunize.utah.gov/usiis-parents-individuals.
If you can't access this google form, contact immunize@utah.gov to request a PDF data request form.
Contact information
Utah Immunization Program
Utah Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 142012 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2012
Phone: 801-538-9450
Fax: 801-538-9440
Website: https://immunize.utah.gov
Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS)
Utah Department of Health and Human Services
Helpline: 801-538-3440 / 800-678-3440
Website: https://immunize.utah.gov/usiis